Research Projects

Research Projects

Edu:Social is a Germany-wide scientific research study conducted by the Social Neuroscience Labs of the Max Planck Society.  It aims to strengthen resilience and social skills among teachers and healthcare professionals. more
A Berlin research project on experiencing stress, social cohesion and resilience during the Corona crisis in cooperation with the Charite, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the MPI for Psychiatry, funded by the Max Planck Society and the Berlin University Alliance (BUA). more
The ReSource Project
The ReSource Project is a large scale longitudinal study on mental training. We investigate how mental traing can influence the brain, health, stress reduction, subjective well-being, and social behavior. more
Caring Economics
Together with Prof. Dr Dennis J. Snower from the Kiel Institute of World Economy, we investigate how neuropsychological finding on human motivation, emotion, and social cognition can inform models of economic decision making. more
Compassion. Bridging Practice and Science
The free eBook by Tania Singer and Matthias Bolz describes existing secular training programs, the current state of science as well as practical experience reports. The new design of the eBook offers extensive video material, original sound collages by Nathalie Singer and artistic photos by Olafur Eliasson. more
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