
Tania Singer at the Berlin Science Week 2024

Tania Singer at the Berlin Science Week 2024

November 01, 2024 - Tania Singer is guest at the Panel on “Rethinking Communication”, which took part at the Berlin Science Week 2024.
Tania Singer at Opera Frankfurt/Main

Tania Singer at Opera Frankfurt/Main

October, 08, 2024 - In the context of the BMBF project “In the name of freedom”, Tania Singer presents a keynote on “The Sound of Freedom and Compassion” at the opera house in Frankfurt/Main.
Keynote at Graz Opera (Austria)

Keynote at Graz Opera (Austria)

September 29, 2024 - Tania Singer gives a keynote at the Leadership Seminar of the International Academy of Transformational Leadership at Graz Opera.
Edu:Social School Welcome Days
July 11, 2024 - In our Welcome Days, we provide an overview of the goals and processes of the Edu:Social School project. You can find more information and how to register on the Edu:Social project page. more
Talk at re:publica 24
May 27, 2024 - At re:publica 24 Tania Singer talks about the impact of mental dyad training and why it is important to transfer it to different areas of society. (German only) more
MeTAzeit Podcast
March 8, 2024 - In this podcast with Tina Schultze-Fulton, Tania Singer reports on her research findings, the effects of meditation and we learn that different mediations have different effects on our brain. (German only) more
On Dyads and Mental Practices
August 2023 - This documentation with comments by Maria Kluge, Tania Singer, Gert Scobel, Dirk Bräuninger und Mike Sandbothe shows how the combination of mental practices (mindfulness, dyads and social presencing theater) affects mental well being. (German only) more
Essay for Mind and Life Institute Series “Insights”
January 12, 2024 - Contemplative dyads training the mind and deepening our connection through relational practices. more
The Mindfulness Podcast
December 12, 2023 - In this podcast Tania Singer and David Black talk about the CovSocial project and specifically explore results comparing mindfulness training against a dyad interventions regarding thought and affect patterns. more
World’s Meeting of Values
October 27, 2023 - Tania Singer presents a keynote and workshop at the Worlds Meeting of Values in Monterrey, Mexico. (Spanish) more
Talk at Entrepreneur Summit 2023
October 21, 2023 - In her keynote at the Entrepreneur Summit in Berlin, Tania Singer talks about how increasing empathy and compassion enhance the workplace environment. more
Interview in the ZDF Morning Show
October 19, 2023 - In this Interview Tania Singer talks about strategies how to cope with current negative news and pictures. (German only) more
Interview in zeit online

Interview in zeit online

October 17, 2023 - In this interview Tania Sinegr talks about the differences in consuming terrible news and which stategies are helpful to cope with them. (German only)
Podcast Let‘s Staat
August 11, 2023 - In this podcast, Tania Singer and Dorit Bosch talk about how empathy and changing perspectives are existential skills for sustaining democracy. (German only) more
July 19, 2023 - In this Podcast Tania Singer and Jonas Höhn talk about how increasing empathy and compassion may change the workplace environment for the better. (German only) more
Scobel - The dark side of empathy
May 11, 2023 - In the TV series Scobel, Gert Scobel, Hartmut Rosa and Tania Singer talk about empathy, compassion and resonance and how they can be strengthend. (German only) more Scientist’s Ranking
May 10, 2023 - According to the renowned science platform, Tania Singer is ranked 38th in Germany in the field of psychology in 2023. The ranking only includes prominent scientists and is based on international citation indices that refer to the influence of their research publications. more
Interview Global Compassion Coalition
May 03, 2023 - Tania Singer talks about what her research into the cultivation of compassion has taught her and how we can use it to build a world that's based on compassion. more
Creating a Compassionate World Interview Series
March 13, 2023 - In this Interview with Paul Gilbert, Tania Singer talks about her research on compassion. more
Article in moment by moment

Article in moment by moment

March 10, 2023 - Tania Singer reports on the latest findings from dyad research.
Global Joy Summit with His Holiness the Dalai Lama
November 17, 2022 - Tania Singer together with Richard Davidson took part in the Special Session Discussion on Altruism as a Source of Inner Strength as part of the Global Joy Summit, Nov. 13 – 16. more
TUP Special Issue 2022
September 14, 2022 - In the current TUP special issue of AWO, in her article Hannah Matthäus suggests ways out of the loneliness pandemic. more
Interview with IMD
August 03, 2022 - In an IMD interview Tania Singer talks about compassionate leadership. more
Talk at CCARE Lab in Stanford
May 25, 2022 - As part of the Meng-Wu Lecture Series Tania Singer talks about the Neuroscience of Motivation, Care and Compassion. more
Interview and report in rbb Praxis
May 25, 2022 - The special edition of the programme rbb Praxis by Angelika Wörthmüller contains an interview with Tania Singer on the topic of how positive emotions make us healthier. (German) more
Workshop at the International Boston Trauma Conference
May 18, 2022 - Tania Singer and Ron Siegel present a joint workshop focussing on the topic: From Empathic Distress to Compassion: Building Resilience in the Face of Trauma. more Scientist Ranking
May 06, 2022 - According to the prominent academic science platform, Tania Singer has been ranked in 2022 among the top 1000 Scientists worldwide and top 30 in Germany in the area of Psychology. The ranking includes only prominet scientists and is based on international citations indices refering to the impact of her research publications. more
Interview for tk aktuell
April 27, 2022 - In this interview with Wiebke Knoche for tk aktuell, Tania Singer talks about the difference between empathy and compassion and their trainability. (German only) more
Two CovSocial Publications
April 20, 2022 - The Berlin University Alliance reports on two new publications within the CovSocial project. (German only) more
Interview in taz
April 02, 2022 - In this interview with Antje Lang-Lendorff from taz Tania Singer talks about limits and chances of empathy. (German only) more
Interview in tip Berlin
March 30, 2022 - In an interview with Erik Heier of tip Berlin, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial project and the impact of pandemic lockdowns on the mental health of Berlin's population. (German) more
Podcast World of Wisdom
March 24, 2022 - In the Podcast World of Wisdom Tania Singer and Amit Paul talk about Neuroscience, Caring Economics and the Brain Plasticity of Human beings. more
BBC Interview
March 22, 2022 - In this interview featured by the BBC, Tania Singer talks about the difference between empathy and compassion. more
Interview at LAS
March 14, 2022 - Tania Singer in conversation with Gesine Bocherd as part of the LAS exhibition of Robert Irwin Light and Space. (German only) more
Interview Pioneers of Change Summit
March 14, 2022 - As part of the Pioneers of Change Summit, Tania Singer talks in an interview with Hemma Rueggen about the increasing loneliness among young people and the need to strengthen caring and love as a motivation for action on the big issues of our time. (German only) more
Interview in FURIOS, the campus magazine of the Free University Berlin
February 15, 2022 - In an Interview with Elisa Starck, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial project and how the Berliners' state of mind changed from Lockdown to Lockdown. (German only) more
Interview for radioeins
February 12, 2022 - Tania Singer reports in a live interview with Stephan Karkowsky at the radioeins scientific magazine on the current results of the CovSocial project. (German only) more
Interview in ZDF heute
February 04, 2022 - In an interview by Susanne Gindorf-Litz for ZDF heute Tania Singer talks abour the Covsocial project and the effects of the lockdowns on mental health. (German only) more
Interview in rbb Abendschau
February 02, 2022 - Tania Singer in the studio of the rbb Abendschau talks with Sarah Oswald about the effects of the past lockdowns on the mental health of the Berlin population. (German only) more
Five Questions to Tania Singer
January 31, 2022 - In an interview by Valerie Zöllner and Barbara Abrell for Max Planck Forschung magazine, Tania Singer answers Five Questions about mental health in times of Corona and the CovSocial project. (German only) more
Report in Bonner Generalanzeiger
January 30, 2022 - A report in the Bonner Generalanzeiger by Johanna Lübke cites Tania Singer on the effects that the pandemic shows on mental health. (German only) more
Interview in ZEIT ONLINE
January 23, 2022 - In an interview with Nora Burgard-Arp from ZEIT ONLINE, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial project and how empathic listening makes us more resilient to crises. (German only) more
Interview in moment by moment

Interview in moment by moment

December 08, 2021 - In this interview with Norbert Classen, Tania Singer talks about how the results of the Resource Project can be transferred into business and society. (German only)
We have moved!

We have moved!

December 7, 2021 - The Social Neuroscience Lab has moved into new rooms. Please be aware of our new address and phone number.
Mental health during Covid-19
November 24, 2021 - This MPG announcement reports on the CovSocial project, which examines the consequences of pandemic-related restrictions for Berlin's population. more
CovSocial feature in Berliner Morgenpost

CovSocial feature in Berliner Morgenpost

November 22, 2021 - The Berliner Morgenpost reports on the CovSocial Project and how the pandemic situation affects mental health. (German only)
Podcast "Forschungsquartett" (Research Quartet)
November 18, 2021 - In this Podcast, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial Project and the influences of pandemic restrictions and alleviation on mental health and social cohesion. The interview was done by Valerie Zöllner. (German) more
CovSocial Brochure Release
November 15, 2021 - Release for the first edition of the CovSocial Broshure. It summarizes initial descriptive results of the CovSocial Project focussing on mental health and social cohesion in Berlin during Covid pandemics. more
11th Empathy Conference

11th Empathy Conference

October 22, 2021 - Tania Singer and Sarita Silveira present on resilience and social cohesion during the 11th Empathy Conference, organized by the German American Institute (DAI), Heidelberg.
Lecture for How to Academy
October 20, 2021 - In this livestream talk, Tania Singer shares accessible, evidence-based tools to reduce stress and improve your mental health. more
Hair analysis shows: Meditation training reduces long-term stress
07 October 2021 - Mental training that promotes skills such as mindfulness, gratitude or compassion reduces the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in hair. This is what scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig and the Social Neuroscience Research Group of the Max Planck Society in Berlin have found out. more
Report in LaVie

Report in LaVie

September 30, 2021 - An article in LaVie reports on the research of Tania Singer, in which Matthieu Ricard participated. It was shown that empathy, the ability to feel the emotions of others, can also be painful. They explain how to prevent this. (French)
Article in Zeit Magazin (zeitonline)
August 18, 2021 - War, Flooding, Wirldfires: from a distance, we feel empathy. Neuroscientist Tania Singer explains how empathy develops and why we need to train it. Interview: Sara Tomšić. Image by Tim Marshall/ (German) more
Empty Thoughts
July 23, 2021 - In an article in the online edition of Science Notes on the topic of "Nothingness," Tania Singer reports on the importance of continuous mental training in the search for silence in the mind. (German only) more
Tania Singer is awarded the "Danke-Skulptur"
July 20, 2021 - The awarding of the "Danke-Skulptur" to Tania Singer highlights the appreciation and recognition for her commitment to the community. The following link lists the worldwide reactions of the people/institutions that have already received the "Danke-Skulptur". more
Lecture at SWR Teleakademie
July 11, 2021 - Tania Singer gives a lecture on the neurobiology of empathy and compassion at the SWR Teleakademie. (German only) more
Workshop betterplace co:lab
June 09, 2021 - In a workshop for the betterplace co:lab X, Tania Singer sheds light on how empathy, compassion and a change of perspective can revolutionize our work culture. Three main bullet points are summarized in a blog. (German only) more
Mindful in May
June 01, 2021 – Tania Singer and Elise Bialylew have a conversation on the research background of Tania Singer and how mental training can improve empathy and compassion. more
Keynote Boston International Trauma Conference
May 28, 2021 - Tania Singer gives a keynote lecture at the Boston Internationa Trauma Conference and talks about the results of the ReSource project. more
New Publication with NeuroImage

New Publication with NeuroImage

May 02, 2021 - Online release of a new publication on meditation-based mental training interventions that show physical and mental health benefits.
Talk European Commission

Talk European Commission

April 27, 2021 - In a presentation invited by the European Commission, Tania Singer talks about the different impact of mental training and the results of the ReSource project. She also reports on the CovSocial project and the according research on social cohesion within the Berlin population.
Pioneers of Education
March 24, 2021 - In a dialogue moderated by Silke Weiss at the Pioneers of Education Summit 21, she talks with Tania Singer about mindfulness, compassion, and empathy in education. more
March 03, 2021 - In the tabularasa podcast, Tania Singer talks about the results of the ReSource project. She also discusses the social and psychological effects that a week-long lockdown could have in times of COVID-19. The challenges and necessary measures to make digitization socially acceptable. (German only) more
Burnout in times of pandemics
January 25, 2021 - In this interview with Miray Caliskan of the Berliner Zeitung, Tania Singer suggests ways to prevent health care worker’s burnout in the pandemic. (German only) more
Podcast SWR Wissen
January 17, 2021 – This podcast is based on a recording of Tania Singer's keynote talk at the 10th Empathy Conference in December 2020. In this podcast, Tania Singer provides an overview on the difference between compassion and empathy and the important role of compassion in economics. (German only) more
Upper Story
January 19, 2021 - This movie shows three decades of collaboration between Western scientists and Buddhist scholars including interviews with and features of Tania Singer’s research. This long-term collaboration has revealed techniques that allow us to develop our mental well-being and improve the impact we have on our planet. (A German version is planned to be released in February 2021.) more
Article in anders handeln – Nächstenliebe

Article in anders handeln – Nächstenliebe

January 2021 – This article in the January issue of anders handeln - Nächstenliebe reports on the ReSource project and how to train compassion and other social skills. The interview with Tania Singer was conducted by Sven Rhode. (German only)
Keynote: The Neurobiology of Empathy and Compassion
December 19, 2020 - The 10th Empathy Conference of the DAI Heidelberg in the framework of Geist Heidelberg took place with the title: "Empathy under pressure? How we experience empathy in crises and conflicts". In her presentation Tania Singer talks about empathy and compassion. Can mindfulness and social skills be trained? How do empathy and compassion differ? (German) more
Participating in the CovSocial Project
November 27, 2020 - Reporter Norbert Koch-Klauke reports on the CovSocial project, which is researching how the Corona crisis affects the well-being, behavior, stress experience and social cohesion of Berlin's population. (German) more
OWP Keynote talk
November 19, 2020 - Tania Singer gives a keynote on how to reduce burnout, stress, and depression by mental training. She emphasizes how this is even more important during turbulent times and how it relates to business leaders and organizations. (English) more
Radio Interview rbb88.8
October 27, 2020 - In this interview Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial Project on experiencing stress, social cohesion and resilience during the Corona crisis. The project launched in September 2020. (German only) more
Expedition 2025
September 25, 2020 - In an article by Barbara Esser on the subject of "When values ​​become deeds", Tania Singer's research on increasing social cohesion and resilience is mentioned. (German) more
Launch of the CovSocial research project
September 10, 2020 - A Berlin research project on experiencing stress, social cohesion and resilience during the Corona crisis in cooperation with the Charite, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the MPI for Psychiatry, funded by the Max Planck Society and the Berlin University Alliance (BUA). more
Cuba Platform Interview with john a. powell and Tania Singer (Podcast)
July 22, 2020 - In this podcast, Sarah Stephens (Cuba Platform) continues a conversation with john a. powell (Othering and Belonging Institute) and Tania Singer on othering, brain science, and pathways to belonging, compassion, and care. more
Interview in Mindful Doctor Newsletter
July 22, 2020 - Prior to the Mindful Doctor Conference (September 04-06 in Berlin, Germany) an interview with Tania Singer has been released by the Mindful Doctor Newsletter. (German) more
H.H. the Dalai Lama's legacy on science to mark his 85th birthday
July 05, 2020 - Tania Singer was interviewed by the radio station RFATibetan on the occasion of the 85th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. A compilation of her and other contributions has been published on Youtube. (Tibetan) more
Online Keynote at IMD's Orchestrating Winning Performance
June 25, 2020 - Tania Singer talks about the growing importance of mental health and what research has shown how mental training can help increase resilience and cooperation in teams. more
Successful Fund Raising

Successful Fund Raising

May, 08th 2020 - Tania Singer and Mazda Adli from the Charite Berlin together with a consortium of five other Professors Christine Heim (Charité), Sonja Entringer (Charité), Elisabeth Binder (MPI), Felix Balnkenburg (FU) und Manuel Völkle (HU)  have successfully raised funds in the CoVid-19 Pandemic Special Call for Proposals of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA). More details and news on the “CovSocial” project will follow shortly.
Interview with Ilios Kotsou
April, 14th 2020 - Tania Singer was interviewed by Ilios Kotsou from Emergence about the relevance of compassion and care in times of Covid-19 pandemics and how to apply her findings to help healthcare workers with everyday workplace challenges. (French) more
Understanding Empathy and Compassion
March, 11th 2020 - Tania Singer and Edwin Rutsch discuss on the benefits in people empathically listening to each other. more
TOP 100 Paper in Scientific Reports 2019
March, 11th 2020 - The research article Voluntary upregulation of heart rate variability through biofeedback is improved by mental contemplative training is placed as one of the top 100 downloaded neuroscience papers for Scientific Reports in 2019. more
The brain has two systems for thinking about others’ thoughts
March, 9th 2020 - In order to understand what another person thinks and how he or she will behave we must take someone else’s perspective. This ability is referred to as Theory of Mind. Until recently, researchers were at odds concerning the age at which children are able to do such perspective taking. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, University College London, and the Social Neuroscience Lab Berlin shed new light on this question. Only 4-year-olds seem to be able to understand what others think. more
A courageous leadership team needs an awakened organizational heart
March 4th 2020 - Ahead of her keynote address at IMD’s LIVE-Orchestrating Winning Performance (online) on 25 June 2020 in Lausanne, neuroscientist Tania Singer outlines some of her research insights on building resilient and collaborative organizational teams. more
Podcast Sidewalk Talks
December 3rd 2019 - In this Podcast Tania Singer and Traci Ruble talk about the ReSource Project and how heart-centered listening makes us more compassionate than mindfulness alone. more
Bienestar Docente y Neurociencias
November 28th 2019 - Tania Singer presents her research on this conference hosted by the Goethe Schule in Buenos Aires, Argentina. more
Self-protection or selfishness? About the pros and cons of mindfulness practice
November 18th 2019 - In this report, broadcasted by rbbkultur (German only), Vera Block explores the question of whether the new social trend of mindfulness practice entails risks and interviews Tania Singer on her research and the ReSource Project. more