Social Neuroscience Lab

Social Neuroscience Lab

The Social Neuroscience Lab investigates human social behavior. Adopting an interdisciplinary and multi-method approach, we study the neuronal, hormonal, and developmental foundations of human social cognition as well as social and moral emotions such as empathy, compassion and fairness. Further, we are interested in the malleability of social capacities through mental training and its function for social decision making, human cooperation and prosociality.

Research Foci


- Edu:Social School starts on July 12th with Welcome Days. more

- Tania Singer’s talk at Stage 1 at republica 24 in Berlin. May 27, 2024. more

- MPS publishes an Press Release on CovSocial Phase 2 results. May 14, 2024. more

- An Arte-documentation on different mental practices recorded at the Presencing Theater. February 15, 2024. more

- An essay on contemplative dyads in the Mind and Life Institute Series “Insights”. January 12., 2024. more
The Soical Neuroscience Lab offers a 3-year fulltime Postdoc position in Psychology/Social Neuroscience.
The Social Neuroscience Lab offers student assistant positions to support the Edu:Social School project.
- Matthäus, H. et al. (in press). Reducing Neuroendocrine Psychosocial Stress Response Through Socio-emotional Dyadic but not Mindfulness Online Training. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15.
Prof. Dr. Tania Singer
Scientific Head
Social Neuroscience Lab
Max Planck Society

Visiting Address:
JFK House
Bertha-Benz-Str. 3
10557 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 2360 8150
Fax:     +49 30 2360 81519

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