Contemplative Neuroscience
Selected Publications
20 (3), pp. 159 - 160 (2016)
Affect and motivation are critical in constructive meditation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
10 (9), pp. 1291 - 1301 (2015)
Compassion-based emotion regulation up-regulates experienced positive affect and associated neural networks. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
8, 424 (2014)
Compassion meditators show less anger, less punishment, and more compensation of victims in response to fairness violations. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
24 (18), pp. R875 - R878 (2014)
Empathy and compassion. Current Biology
9 (6), pp. 873 - 879 (2014)
Differential pattern of functional brain plasticity after compassion and empathy training. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
23 (7), pp. 1552 - 1561 (2013)
Functional neural plasticity and associated changes in positive affect after compassion training. Cerebral Cortex
6 (3), e17798 (2011)
Short-term compassion training increases prosocial behavior in a newly developed prosocial game. PLoS One